
1' Fabienne Michel starts the match. Freiburg II with the kick-off in Freiburg.
17' In the minute 17, Lukas Ambros (Freiburg II) gets a yellow card.
26' Great play from Nicolas Sessa to set up the goal.
45' In the minute 45, The first-half is over at Dreisamstadion.
46' Verl kick-off the second-half u- the match is underway again!
46' Thomas Stamm (Freiburg II) is making a 1 substitution, with Hamadi Al Ghaddioui replacing Marco Womer.
46' In the minute 46, Marcel Mehlem is replacing Niclas Tibor Nadj for Verl at Dreisamstadion.
58' Thomas Stamm (Freiburg II) has taken off Lukas Ambros who seemed to be grimacing with pain earlier. A possible injury. Pascal Fallmann is the replacement.
66' The home team have replaced Fabian Rudlin with Patrick Lienhard. This is the 3 substitution made today by Thomas Stamm.
66' In the minute 66, Thomas Stamm is making the team's 4 substitution at Dreisamstadion with Luca Marino replacing Julian Stark.
70' Alexander Ende (Verl) is making a 2 substitution, with Patrick Kammerbauer replacing Lars Lokotsch.
81' The away team have replaced Nicolas Sessa with Marco Mannhardt. This is the 3 substitution made today by Alexander Ende.
83' In the minute 83, Thomas Stamm is making the team's 5 substitution at Dreisamstadion with Yann Sturm replacing Philip Fahrner.
89' Robin Friedrich is replacing Yari Otto for Verl at Dreisamstadion.